What is Dobble - Spot it
Dobble - Spot it is a game that trains and sharpens speed of reaction and observation skills – the creators of the Dobble - Spot it aptly describe it as a "game of wild atmosphere and fast reflexes". Dobble - Spot it is played with cards (the game's different versions have a different number of cards), and each of two cards in Dobble - Spot it have one symbol in common. You win the card when you are the first one to spot the similarity and name the detail that the cards have in common. Take the card, give it away to another player, or place it in a separate pile, according to the rules of the particular Dobble - Spot it version that you are playing. After that, draw new cards and place them on the table. Ideal for families, Dobble - Spot it promises many evenings of smart guesses and observation triumphs. The Print and Play will allow you to test the popular game for free along with the game's many extensions.
Dobble - Spot it functions as a series of mini-games based on quick reactions. In each round, the players play at the same time instead of taking turns. You can play the Dobble - Spot it mini-games in a suggested order, you can mix the order up, or you can play the same game over and over again – whatever works for your group!
Refer to the Dobble - Spot it PDF (link) to arrange a great evening of Dobble for friends and family. The Dobble - Spot it PDF for Print and Play contains the images for the front and back sides of the cards – print them out, cut them out and glue them together, preferably using round cardboard inserts for sturdier playing cards. Making the cards can be a fun activity in itself – make a whole evening out of building and playing Dobble - Spot it Print and Play!
How to play Dobble - Spot it (Dobble - Spot it rules)
Let us give you a few examples of the mini-games that Dobble - Spot it Print and Play offers. In the scenario called "The Towering Inferno", you shuffle the cards, one card is placed face-down in front of each player. Then a card is drawn from the pile and placed face-up in the middle of the table. Whoever spots the detail that their card and the drawn card have in common, pockets away the card. The player who collects the most cards in the course of the game, is the ultimate winner!
On the contrary, in the "Hot Potato" mini-game scenario, the goal is to get rid of your cards. Here, all players are dealt a card, which they place face-down. Then the players reveal their cards at the same time, and the first one to spot an identical detail between their card and the card of one of their fellow players, passes their card off to them. This mini-game can be played through a multitude of rounds – you can set the number before you start. Whoever has the least cards at the end of the very last round, wins the game.
The Dobble - Spot it Print and Play demo version of the game is a lighter one. It has fewer cards and fewer symbols, and is meant to be played with fewer players. The demo version has 16 cards, each card featuring 6 symbols, any 2 cards would have just one identical symbol in common. If the demo version is the first Dobble - Spot it game you are playing, before diving into it, draw two random cards, put them in the middle of the table and study them for identical symbols, so that all the players get an idea what to look for once the game starts. If you are playing with children, you might want to have a training round to better prepare them for the actual game. Once you have successfully accomplished the Dobble - Spot it Print & Play challenges, it's time to move on to the more complex and extended versions of the game played with more cards and containing more complex combinations of symbols. You can also invite more players to join in.
The game can be played for as long as you want to, just make sure to record the results of each mini-game and each round to calculate the final score. In the end, the player who has won the most mini-games and rounds is the winner. Dobble - Spot it is ripe for ambiguous situations – whenever two players have spotted the identical detail and spoken out at the same time, it is whoever took, placed or discarded their card first, is considered the winner. If, at the end of the round, two or more players are finishing with the same result, they can resort to a Dobble duel. This can be a round of the "hot-potato" mini-game that will help determine the winner. To spice your round of Dobble up and make it ever more exciting for your family younger members, introduce prizes and little tokens that the younger players will snap up if they have acted been good at spotting!
Dobble - Spot it extensions, spin-offs and additional activities
Apart from the fun game and family activity that is sure to keep you excited and entertained, Dobble - Spot it and its extensions offer a number of educational activities that will keep children busy and train their observational skills. Make the most of the coloring sheets available in the PDF format and use additional Dobble materials to test the young kids' knowledge on numbers, letters and colors. The Dobble - Spot it Activity sheet is a game in itself that challenges the players to accomplish a quest in the Dobble Universe.