The ultimate online destination for board games, Print & Play, offers a variety of board games to print that will help you find just the game to your liking and test a number of popular board games before embarking on their extended versions. The available games are usually offered in their limited versions, but are advanced enough to give you an idea of what to expect from a game. The print-and-play versions would be particularly fun for kids, for whom not only playing the game, but printing and building it, too, would prove an entertainment.
Board games template to print
Among the board games templates that you can print and try there are some all-time favorites like Catan, Rory's Story Cubes, Dixit or Spot it. A number of games are sure to be wildly appreciated by children (just try Catan First Adventure Print and Play, the legendary Carcassonne, or Time's Up Kids Print and Play. Below are some of the print-and-play templates you should be trying right now.
Family and kids games to print
For storytellers, Rory's Story Cubes and Dixit would be truly delightful. Rory's Cubes invites its players to create a story based on the images shown on cubes – let your imagination run wild! The cubes can also provide cues for a guessing game – just come up with puzzles and questions, based on the images that you have on the cubes and challenge your fellow players to guess the answers. The Rory's Story Cubes Print and Play PDF provides a template for making your own cubes – use it to create your own story cube. You can also take your creativity a step further by drawing your own symbols onto the cubes. Drawing is just as fun as coming up with puzzles and questions. If you have a sufficient number of players, you can split into teams that invent questions and scenarios to challenge each other.
Likewise, Dixit is an engaging and exciting game that allows you to tap into your imagination and storytelling skills. The classic version of Dixit is played with 84 cards featuring fantastical illustrations. Each of the players gets to be a storyteller, setting a theme for their story and connecting the images and motives depicted on the cards into engaging stories. It is up to the storyteller, which turn the narrative will take! The pdf for Dixit Print And Play provides the illustrations that you can print out and use for your Dixit debut. Dixit is an enjoyable game that kids and adults alike will appreciate and enjoy.
Then there is Spot it, a fun and competitive card game that is ideal for playing with your family members of all ages. In Spot it, you need to use your observation skills and react quickly. Consisting of a set of cards where every two cards feature an identical detail, the game invites its players to spot similarities between every two cards, and do it quickly. The print-and-play edition of the game comes with a series of extensions and activities for younger kids, aimed to sharpen their analytical and observation skills (think color sheets and counting exercises).
Another game that will surely delight younger kids would be Concept Kids Animals. Concept Kids Animals is a version of the game Concept for kids aged 4 and older. The goal of the game is to make the other players guess as many animals as possible, using icons on the board. The game is perfect for younger kids because it makes for a collective challenge and a collective victory. The print-and play version of the Concept Kids Animals has printable cards needed to guess 22 animals. The game is intended for younger kids, but adults are encouraged to help, if guessing proves too difficult for the players.
For those who can't read just yet, another great board game would be Time's Up Kids. Designed for the impatient, the game gives the players 3 minutes to win (set up the timer!). The game is played with cards, each player draws a card and, without showing it to the others, must describe and mime its image for the others to guess. As the game progresses, it becomes more complicated – in its second round, the players are only allowed to make sounds and mime. To win the game, you need to finish both round and guess all cards while the timer's still running. In Time's Up Kids, you lose and win collectively.
Maths games to print
Not just fun and entertaining, a lot of printable board games for kids, available on Print & Play, develop, educate and train kids. Just like Dixit and Rory's Story Cubes develop imagination and train children in the art of stroytelling, a few games help the younger players to become better at counting and math. Take, for instance, the Ticket to Ride stay-at-home version that demands a lot of counting, calculation and strategic thinking, and is perfect for sharpening kids' analytical skills (the board-game is designed for the whole family and would be best-suited for kids older that 8). For the younger kids, Spot it Print and Play would provide a great exercise in counting and calculus.
With the print-and-play demo games, you will have a chance to test simplified versions of the legendary games. They will help you understand which games are more interesting for your children. They will also give you a chance to find a new and exciting entertainment for children just a few clicks away.
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