You must have heard of, or you might even happen to be a fan of the 7 Wonders Duel, the world's best-selling civilization game. With almost 2 million copies sold across the world and more than 30 international awards received, 7 Wonders is a legend among board games. The ingenious game allows you to build an ancient city from scratch, foster science and culture, and build a highly developed civilization. Its only drawback until recently was – you needed at least one partner to fully enjoy it. Well, solo players, despair no more. The new 7 Wonders Duel Print and Play allows you to play the iconic board game all by yourself.
What is 7 Wonders Duel Print and Play
The classic 7 Wonders Duel game is a board game designed for 2 players competing for influence, power and domination across 3 ages of civilization. Each player is set to struggle to build a civilization more powerful, developed and impressive then that of their opponent's.
With the new 7 Wonders Duel Print and Play, you no longer compete against a person. The game sets you against 5 powerful leaders – Caesar, Aristotle, Hammurabi, Bilkis or Cleopatra, who rule out of the Leader's city and whose moves compete with yours. Each Leader operates under their own color – yellow, grey, purple, blue, or brown, and has a set of cards that regulate their moves. The game contains 5 Leader cards along with 12 Decision cards. You can choose which Leader you would like to compete against, or let the fate decide by shuffling the Leader cards and drawing one.
7 Wonders Duel rules
Snatching the victory won't be easy. Firstly, set up the cards for the First Age, so that the first row of cards stays in front of you. Start the game by giving 7 coins to yourself and assigning the Leader whatever progress tokens they have marked on their card. Continue playing against one Leader in the course of the whole game. Shuffle the Decision cards and make a deck of face-down cards.
Proceed to shuffle the Wonder cards and draw 3 – take two and assign one to the Leader. Repeat. Make sure to take note of the Leader's Wonder cards, as some of them have an immediate effect. You might have to move the military pawn, give the Leader coins or Progress tokens.
During Age One, the Leader can always make the first move, they can choose to go first during Ages Two and Three, if they have the choice.
In the course of 7 Wonders Duel Print and Play, make sure to follow the rules when it comes to the Leader's moves. In the beginning of each Leader's move, draw the top card from the Decision card deck. If the deck is empty, reuse the already-drawn and discarded cards. Draw Decision cards according to the color of the Leader card – the Leader takes the first available card, preferably, the one that matches their color. In the process of drawing, the direction of going through the cards play an important part. Pay attention to the arrow that will guide you through the Decision card deck. If the additional symbols on the Leader card and Decision card are the same, the Leader plays another turn. As you play, make sure to take note of the border on the card – it indicates which side of the card is the bottom and which one is the top, helping you read it correctly.
The Leaders have yet another advantage in the game as they never pay the cost of the cards they draw, the cards are always free. For you, however, the normal rules apply, and you play just the way you would play during the base game. Additionally, you should not forget to pay for missing resources, taking into account those constructed in the Leader's city.
For more information about the rules for 7 Wonders Duel Print and Play, refer to the 7 Wonders Duel PDF that contains game scenarios, examples and rules.
Who wins 7 Wonders Duel Print and Play and How
7 Wonders Duel Print and Play is a complicated game that puts you in a tough competition against a Leader. To outwit the Leader and the game's rules, you will need to exercise a fair amount of inventiveness, creativity and strategical thinking. As in the game's classic version, the winner is defined by the military edge, superiority in science, or civil victory (if, by the Age Three neither military nor scientific leadership is determined). In the latter case, count the scores of your own as well as the Leader's cities – the higher score would win.
Many tend to doubt how exciting playing a board game by yourself can be. However, playing 7 Wonders Duel solo, with its twists and pittfalls can actually be a rewarding, enjoyable and a highly satisfying thing to do – you will find yourself actively engaging with the leader and eagerly competing against all the odds. The most impressive feature of the game is how unique each Leader's character is – you will certainly enjoy discovering their characters and style. Get your solo print now and prepare for an evening of fierce competition, great entertainment and the gratification of creating a beautiful and advanced civilization. Brighten up your stay-at-home evenings with this great new spin on the iconic game!